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How Google Searches For Wedding Photographers Has Changed

When searching for “wedding photographers” on google, everyone uses a location with this term, google now processes its results far more accurately. This is a recent change and means that google does not just give you the longest most established websites in its results as it used to on page one. Google now puts far more into its google business place page results, which is also linked to google maps.

What does this mean for your search for a wedding photographer?

Well it means that you can no longer assume that the results you get on google have been there for a long time, they could be very new businesses which happen to be close to either your location or near the centre of the location you searched for. New businesses in the terms of wedding photographers can mean someone with little experience.

So how can you find an experienced good wedding photographer on google? Just look at their photos surely?

Well yes, but no. Anyone can assemble a selection of good wedding images on their website. To really judge you have to look for the following -

Complete Wedding Gallery

It is very rare to find a couples whole wedding gallery online, on a wedding photographers site that is not password protected, although this is a shame as most people want to show off their images to everyone! So in most cases you will have to meet up with your potential wedding photographer to see an entire wedding they have covered, although it would be good advice that you need to see more than just one, and you should look to see if all the key moments of the day have been obtained, as well as some individual flare and passion for the subject.


Very important, if they have none, walk away! Every wedding photographer should have plenty of testimonialsto show you, and these should be easily found on their website. Any wedding photographer loves receiving letters and emails from past clients! as this instigates a warm ready brek glow every time! Any wedding photographer is very proud of their testimonials and will have them very easily found on their website, and even post them up all over my facebook pages, no doubt boring all their friends.


That’s it really, have they got any? Is this important? Most would say if you are not 100% convinced by the first two points then this obviously may help you make your mind up.


Last of all this could be the clincher. In the old days of film many things could go wrong, but now with digital there is a feeling that nothing can go wrong. Wrong. Memory cards inside any digital camera can be erased or corrupted. This mainly happens if the memory card is removed from the camera allot. But also there is always a tiny chance that one day a memory card can just get corrupted, even if treated with great care. Don’t panic though most professional wedding photographers will be of like minded and paranoid about such things and will be checking their camera out all day, and will be uploading your precious images asap to another device, and then a second device in a second location for added security!

But if something does go wrong, that insurance could be a little bit of comfort for you if it is shown the photographer was careless. Also the odd wedding venue can insist on visiting vendors having public liability insurance.

Written by Nigel R Ware LRPS
Wedding Photographer Dorset

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