Stag Weekend Essential Advice
If you are the bestman, then as soon as this "esteemed" position is made known to you, it is not too soon to be directing your thoughts and energies to the key areas outlined below.
1. Consult with Groom
Your first move should be to approach the VIP and ascertain what he wants from his party. Stag parties have gone ahead with the groom kept completely in the dark as to the scheme of events and gone screamingly well. However, in most cases, this is not the most appropriate course of action.
The two of you should decide what form the celebrations are to take, e.g. go-karting, beer, meal, B&B etc. Think about: timescale, activities, food, accommodation and alcohol.
2. Date
Traditionally, this has always been the weekend prior to the wedding. But consider giving the stag time to recover.
Get the key personnel committed to one date as soon as possible.
3. Guest List
Only the groom can help you with this one. However, to aid you in your task you need to know key factors such as:
how many
where they live
who knows who
special requirements, i.e. vegetarian, teetotaler, sex starved uncle
4. Cost
It is important to bear in mind that there will be a variety of budgets to cater for. It is all too easy to get over-enthusiastic only to find that the groom's closest friend cannot afford to join you.
5. Location
A hasty word of warning, this area may very well cause you the biggest headache. Put yourself in the shoes of the Hotel Manager, receiving your telephone call enquiring about the vacancies for 20 men on a stag night.
Allow yourself extra time when deliberating location. Also bear in mind that very often the groom wishes to be away from home territory making your task harder due to unfamiliarity.
6. Activities
The cries of "BUNGEE" ring out loud and clear but the volunteers are not forthcoming.
The options are now so extensive from pot-holing to pot-making. You have to do the research. You have determined the location, now find out what is available - remember the budget.
7. Communicate with Guests
Now starts the paper chase. Access to a computer could prove to be a must.
You need to write to all those included, extending an invitation. Outline the proposed itinerary, date, cost and location. Provide a tear-off slip with a "return by date" - this ensures that you have a firm idea of numbers.
8. Deposits
Whatever plans you have made, deposits will be required from the guests. This also helps to cut down the knock-on effect of the inevitable "non-attendees".
9. Make the Bookings
Confirm all bookings, i.e. for accommodation, activities, transport, evening entertainment, food and send required deposits.
10. Confirmation with Guests
Write back to all guests confirming arrangements. Outline where they need to be, at what time, what to pack, what to wear, and how much they still owe.
Remember any maps and any special little requirements, i.e. "superman" outfit for the groom.
Ten steps to guide you through organising the perfect stag party.
A very daunting prospect but there is help at hand in the guise of a company called Freedom whose key word is "effortless" - music to your ears.
One telephone call to a Freedom event coordinator and they can take over the organisation, the research, the paper chase - in essence they take off the stress.
Freedom has a database of venues, activities, entertainment and can fit together a party to suit your needs. However bizarre.
It gets better, not only is the stress removed, you get more for your money. Freedom receives discount packages that you alone organising a party would never be offered.
So ... 10 steps to organising the perfect stag party, or one telephone call to Freedom (0845) 888 8008.
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