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Choosing a special gift for a wedding couple

There is something very special about the gift you decide to give to a couple getting married.  Through your gift you send them your very best wishes.  It is an expression of your desire for them to not only have a great wedding day but it is also your contribution to them having a happy and prosperous life together.  As your gift is invested with so much meaning it pays to take some time to consider what they may need and want and balance this against what you would like to give to express your feelings for them.

Below are some things to bear in mind when choosing a gift for the wedding couple:

For the couple who has everything….

These days many couples have lived together before they get married and have already filled a home with all the regular household items they need.  So in their interests to avoid duplication they put some careful thought into compiling a wedding gift list of things they would like or need, often to avoid duplication.  Nobody wants a number of proverbial toasters gathering dust in the loft.  A wedding list helps the couple to decide what they want and gives the guests ideas about what would be appreciated. It can be compiled along with a particular department store or put on-line to enable on-line shopping. 

Chateau CompanyThe wedding list is often a source of awkwardness both for guests and the couple alike. Couples often feel awkward in being up front about what they need and that they actually have a list. Lists seem to take out the surprise element that is so appealing about gift giving.  However, if the couple can convey clearly and politely that every gift is really needed and will therefore be appreciated, in a way problem solved all round.  You simply choose something you feel is in your budget range and take comfort in knowing that your contribution –small or big - will make your couple very happy.  List announcements may come via the invitation or email.

Gifts with a personal touch 

You may decide that despite a list you would prefer to buy something with a more personal touch, particularly if you are well acquainted with the couple.  Couples when compiling lists may over look items that maybe deemed indulgent and err on the side of practical items like upgrading pans to a luxury range or choosing an electrical item they particularly wanted.

A special, personal gift could be an ideal choice.  Below are some great gift ideas.

Honeymoon gifts:

Choosing a piece of beautiful lingerie that the bride can slip into on her honeymoon is probably best left to the groom.  However you could give extra items connected to the honeymoon destination like maps and guides or a travel log for them to record memories. Providing them with a set of perfumed candles to help to create some romantic moments would also be a nice touch.

Sentimental gifts:

There is something very evocative about reminiscing about the past.  Marriage is like a rite of passage from being single to maybe living together to committing to sharing your life with another person.  Putting together an album of photos and keepsakes from their life before they married preserves that part of their life and can bring back great feelings when they sit and reminisce. An album of images taken from their days of going out together, their engagement or the events leading up to the marriage is a very personal gift to give and guaranteed to bring a lot of pleasure.

Chateau CompanyRelaxing gifts:

It goes without saying that organising your wedding is a particularly stressful process.  Therefore what better gift can you give than maybe a gift basket of goodies like aromatherapy candles, bubble bath and lotions for the couple to pamper themselves with in the comfort of their own home.  

Luxury personal gifts 

In keeping with the theme of encouraging your couple to feel a special and pampered, why not consider upgrading any bed linen items on the their wedding list.  Instead of just buying a duvet if requested, why not consider a luxury, natural duvet. Giving a gift of sumptuous, Egyptian cotton sheets shows you’ve given some special attention to a request for bedding and some! Luxury bed linen can add a special something to a private space like a bedroom.

Even if not requested adding luxury and comfort to their wedding gift collection means you have put some thought into making your gift unique and personal. A beautiful, silk blanket is probably an extravagance a couple may not consider for themselves. Luxury toweling like bath towels and bath robes not only adds a touch of luxury but ensures good quality.         

Choosing a special gift for a wedding couple requires some thought but doesn’t have to necessarily be time-consuming.  The internet provides a convenient way to shop even for those personal and unique items you might wish to give as your gift.

For more information we recommend you visit The Chateau Company (

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